Perachora site overview, Perachora Peninsula, Greece, January 2020. Photo Copyright Petra Heřmánková  CC-BY-SA 4.0 Int 2021

In January 2020 Adela Sobotkova and Petra Hermankova (Aarhus University) spent two days adapting and testing two FAIMS 2.6 modules for burial mounds in Bulgaria and for intensive grid-based survey for the Perachora Peninsula Archaeology Project (PPAP) led by Susan Lupack (Macquarie University). The modules were designed to survey the veracity of legacy data and condition of extant features, and to map the density of manmade surface remains in the environs of the Perachora Heraion Sanctuary, Greece.

With brief assistance of casual programmer Christian Nassif-Haynes, they had both modules up and running quickly and set to work updating vocabularies and terminology. Over three short weeks, they recorded 108 features and 285 survey units.

The adaptation of this workflow and a preliminary analysis of the datasets was published in the Journal of Field Archaeology in September 2021.

More information

The modules are archived here:

  • Original Burial-Mounds Module:

  • Original Gridded Survey Module:

  • Perachora 2020 release:

For more information about the module or project see:

  • Adela Sobotkova, Shawn A. Ross, Petra Hermankova, Susan Lupack, Christian Nassif-Haynes, Brian Ballsun-Stanton & Panagiota Kasimi (2021) Deploying an Offline, Multi-User, Mobile System for Digital Recording in the Perachora Peninsula, Greece, Journal of Field Archaeology, 46:8, 571-594, DOI: 10.1080/00934690.2021.1969837

  • Spinning up digital recording systems for rapid survey on Perachora Peninsula, Greece, blog post.

Or contact Dr Susan Lupack or Professor Shawn Ross.