How to cite FAIMS
To cite the FAIMS Mobile software (v0-v2.6) in published works we recommend using the following work as it includes permalinks to the code repository and all supporting documentation:
- Ballsun-Stanton, Brian, Shawn Adrian Ross, Adela Sobotkova, and Penny Crook. 2018. “FAIMS Mobile: Flexible, Open-Source Software for Field Research.” SoftwareX 7C (January): 47–52.
If you have used FAIMS in the field, we recommend you cite both the software (as above) and the data collection module:
- [Developer Names], [Date]. “[Module Name]” FAIMS Project GitHub Repository.[MODULE-URL].
If you require a tagged release of the code for a module or the software get in touch.
To cite the FAIMS project, see our recent publications.